If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Press the 6 (Playback) button.
• The last image you took is displayed.
Press the #$ buttons to display the still image you
want to enlarge.
Press the 8 (Enlarged View)
• The still image is enlarged.
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Enlarged view is also available in the quick review mode.
• Movies cannot be enlarged.
Magnifying Images
You can enlarge a still image displayed on the LCD monitor.
Image Size Enlarged View (maximum magnification)
3648 × 2736, 3648 × 2432, 2736 × 2736,
3264 × 2448, 2592 × 1944, 2048 × 1536
16 times
1280 × 960 6.7 times
640 × 480 3.4 times
In Enlarged View
8 Button Enlarges the displayed still image.
You can move the displayed still image by pressing the !"#$
9 Button Returns the enlarged still image to its original size.
Pressing this in enlarged view displays the still image at the
maximum magnification.
Pressing this again returns the still image to its original size.