
User’s Guide Rev. 1.02
Camera command
GenICam command
Device Command Function
GainAuto 100000 20H.3 AGC
GainRaw 000000 30H CDS gain
SmearHalfReduction 000000 11H.4 Smear half reduction
GammaMode 100000 60H.0 Gamma table ON/OFF
ReloadGammaData 100000 60H.7 Gamma table ON/OFF
LensManualAdjustment 100000 92H.0-1 Iris lens manual adjustment operation
LensIrisAdjustment 100000 90H Iris lens adjustment
PriorityMode 100000 20H.0 ALC control method priority
ALCIrisLens 100000 20H.1 Iris lens control method
Min_ShutterTime 100000 26-28H The lower limit of the electronic shutter for auto shutter (us)
Max_ShutterTime 100000 23-25H The upper limit of the electronic shutter for auto shutter (us)
AGCRange 100000 21H AGC maximum limit
TargetBrightness 100000 2EH Target brightness for ALC
ALC_Peak_Average 100000 2FH ALC peak-average
DigitalGain 000000 31H The digital gain
ALCWeight1 100000 29H.0-3 Weight1 for ALC
ALCWeight2 100000 29H.4-7 Weight2 for ALC
ALCWeight3 100000 2AH.0-3 Weight3 for ALC
ALCWeight4 100000 2AH.4-7 Weight4 for ALC
ALCWeight5 100000 2BH.0-3 Weight5 for ALC
ALCWeight6 100000 2BH.4-7 Weight6 for ALC
ALCWeight7 100000 2CH.0-3 Weight7 for ALC
ALCWeight8 100000 2CH.4-7 Weight8 for ALC
ALCWeight9 100000 2DH.0-3 Weight9 for ALC
ALCWindowV1 100000 30-31H Vertical1 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowV2 100000 32-33H Vertical2 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowV3 100000 34-35H Vertical3 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowV4 100000 36-37H Vertical4 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowH1 100000 38-39H Horizontal1 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowH2 100000 3A-3BH Horizontal2 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowH3 100000 3C-3DH Horizontal3 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)
ALCWindowH4 100000 3E-3FH Horizontal4 position for the ALC weight area (pixel)