180-degree rotation printing, 160
1st Sheet
, 33
2nd Sheet
, 33
2 Sided Original
, 33
2 Sided Print
, 6
2 sided printing
, 244
Acceptable original sizes, 36
, 16
Add Destination
, 172
Adding a destination
, 172
Address Book
, 235, 248
Add User
, 259
Adjust Sound Volume
, 6
Advanced Features
, 100
Advanced Search
, 88
, 193
, 50
Area 1
, 50
Area 2
, 50
Attach a Cover Sheet
, 244
Attaching a created cover sheet
, 253
Authorized Reception per Sender
, 6
Auto Density
, 54
Auto Detect
, 48
Auto e-mail reception
, 148
Auto fax reception power-up
, 156
Automatic Redial
, 16
Auto Reception
, 146
Auto Reduce
, 130
Auto Run program
, 236
Backup File TX Setting, 6
Basic Transmission
, 240
BCC Transmission
, 121
Before use
, 234
Box Setting
, 6
Box Setting: Print List
, 6
Broadcasting sequence
, 16
Bypassing the SMTP server
, 69
Canceling a Memory Transmission, 108
Canceling an Immediate Transmission
, 108
Canceling a transmission
, 108
Canceling a transmission before the
original is scanned
, 108
Canceling a transmission before the
transmission is started
, 111
Canceling a transmission of an
Internet Fax
, 108
Canceling a transmission while the
original is being scanned
, 108
Canceling a transmission while the
original is being transmitted
, 109
Centre Mark
, 6, 158
Change File Name
, 230
Change Name
, 265
Change Password
, 230
Change / Stop Transmission File
, 114
Change Title
, 73
Change TX / Info
, 169, 179, 181
Change User Name
, 229
Changing a program name
, 265
Changing Keystroke Programs
, 262
Changing Stored Document Information
, 227
Changing the line port
, 57
Changing the settings of files in memory
, 169
Changing the SMTP server setting
, 176
Changing the transmission time
, 174
Check / Change Settings
, 114, 170, 172,
174, 176
Checkered Mark
, 6, 157
Checking a transmission file
, 169
Checking files stored in memory
, 181
Checking the memory status
, 261
Checking the reception result
, 190
Checking the result of the
, 188
Checking the result of the
Immediate Transmission
, 188
Checking the storage result
, 116
Checking the transmission result
, 185
Checking transmission using
LAN-Fax Driver
, 246
Check Modes
, 20
Check / Stop Transmission File
, 111, 169
Clear Modes key
, 2, 108
Clear/Stop key
, 108, 109
Closed Network
, 134
Closed Network Code
, 134, 144
Combined Auto and Manual Density
, 54