
DeskTopBinder Lite
This section explains the file path and system requirements of DeskTopBinder
DeskTopBinder is to be installed on the client computers for integration and
management of various kinds of files such as scan files, files created with appli-
cations, and existing scan files. This software allows you to use various functions
for stored scan files such as viewing stored files. Also, with the ScanRouter de-
livery software, you can view the files stored in in-trays of the delivery server or
use other functions for stored files.
For details about the software installed with DeskTopBInder Lite, see “Desk-
TopBinder Lite”, Scanner Reference.
File path
The following drivers are included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner/Post-
Script Drivers and Utilities” provided with this machine:
System requirements
PC/AT-compatible machines that support the operating system properly
Operating system
When installing all functions of DeskTopBinder.
Microsoft Windows 98SE/Me/2000 Professional SP1 or later/2000 Server
SP1 or later/2000 Advanced Server SP1 or later/XP Professional/XP
Home Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition
When installing only SmartDeviceMonitor for Client
Microsoft Windows 95 SP1/98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional SP1 or lat-
er/2000 Server SP1 or later/XP Professional/XP Home Edition Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or later
Scanner Reference