1 Sided for 1st Page, 113
2 Sided from 1st Page
, 113
2 Sided TX
, 113
Acceptable original sizes, 35
Add Dest
, 20
Address Book
, 159, 172
Address Book Management
, 64
Add User
, 179
Adjust Sound Volume
, 9
Administrator Tools
, 9
Advanced Search
, 79
Attach a Cover Sheet
, 168
Attaching a created cover sheet
, 175
Attach Subject
, 98
Authorized Reception
, 9
Authorized Reception per Sender
, 9
Auto e-mail reception
, 123
Auto fax reception power-up
, 131
Automatic Redial
, 19
Auto Reception
, 121
Auto Run program
, 160
Basic Transmission, 164
Before use
, 158
Broadcasting sequence
, 20
Bypassing the SMTP server
, 56
Canceling a Memory Transmission, 87
Canceling an Immediate Transmission
, 87
Canceling a transmission
, 87
Canceling a transmission before the
original is scanned
, 87
Canceling a transmission before the
transmission is started
, 89
Canceling a transmission of an Internet Fax
, 87
Canceling a transmission while the
original is being scanned
, 87
Canceling a transmission while the
original is being transmitted
, 88
, 4
Center Mark
, 9, 133
Check Destination key
, 61
Checkered Mark
, 9, 132
Checking files stored in memory
, 139
Checking the reception result
, 148
Checking the result of the
, 146
Checking the result of the
Immediate Transmission
, 146
Checking the specified destination
, 61
Checking the transmission result
, 143
Checking transmission using
LAN-Fax Driver
, 169
Clear Modes key
, 6, 87
Clear/Stop key
, 87, 88
Communicating indicator
, 88
Communication Failure Report
, 147
Communication Page Count
, 9
Communication Result Report
, 146
Confirming by e-mail
, 145
Confirming by report
, 144, 149
Confirming by report and e-mail
, 145
Confirming on display
, 143, 148
Confirming the reservations for
SEP Code Reception
, 111
Confirming the result of a
SEP Code Reception
, 112
Confirming transmission results by e-mail
, 170
Creating a cover sheet
, 175
CSI - Own Fax Number
, 120
Darker key, 45
Deleting programmed destinations
, 173
, 44
Detecting blank sheet
, 42
Display List
, 69
Double-Sided Transmission
, 113
Dual Access
, 20
ECM (Error Correction Mode), 21
Edit Cover Sheet...
, 175
, 49, 53
Editing Address Book
, 172
Editing fax cover sheets
, 174
Editing programmed destinations
, 173
, 93
E-mail Options
, 98
E-mail Settings
, 9
E-mail subject
, 31
E-mail text
, 125
E-mail TX Result
, 145
E-mail TX results
, 170