The PC-FAX EXPANDER Type 185 option is a combination of the physical con-
nection between a PC and the fax machine using EIA Class 2 faxing software and
PC software that expand the operations of the equipment by providing:
faxing directly from the PC using the fax machine’s modem
the use of fax memory for improved faxing from the PC
the use of the fax machine as a scanner
TWAIN scanning capability from the PC
the use of the fax machine as a laser printer
The RS232 PC-FAX EXPANDER Type 185 offers two fax communication paths:
direct, and through fax memory.
Direct communication
uses the fax machine’s modem as its external modem,
and increases broadcasting potential by being able to use the large PC memory.
Memory communication
brings access to the fax machine faxing capabilities
and the ability to direct where incoming fax messages will be received.
Modified Modified Read (MMR) fax compression technique for more
efficient transmission.
Error Control Mode (ECM) for higher quality transmission.
The fax machine’s programmed Quick Dial, Speed Dial, and Group num-
bers to dial from the PC.
G4 communication from your PC (with ISDN unit option only)
The RS232 PC-FAX EXPANDER Type 185 connection adds the fax machine’s
scanner and laser printer to your PC system’s capabilities. You will be able to scan
from the fax machine, as well as from your PC with the TWAIN driver provided.
Documents from your PC can be printed with 200 x 200 dpi resolution and propri-
etary using the fax machine’s laser printer.