Wild Cards
This feature greatly enhances the effectiveness of the following features:
❐ Authorized Reception
❐ Forwarding
In each of these features, you have to store the RTI or CSI of various terminals
that you normally receive fax messages from. Then, when your machine detects
an incoming call, it checks the RTI and CSI of the other terminal, and acts
accordingly. When you program RTI’s for these features, you can program wild
cards to greatly expand the number of terminals that you can specify.
If you store MAN as a wild card, and a terminal with an RTI that includes
MANCHESTER, HUMAN or HUMANE calls you, your machine will recognize
MAN as a wild card and accept and/or forward the message.
CAUTION:This feature cannot recognize spaces.
Authorized Reception: see page 66. Forwarding: see page 70.
RTI and CSI: see page 18 and 20.