
72 Chapter 4:Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode
To boot into text mode, at the EFI Shell type:
Shell>elilo linux text
4.3.1 Displaying Online Help
Once the installation program is loaded into memory, you can obtain information about the installation
process and options by pressing
[F1] through [F6]. For example, press [F2] to see general information
about the online help screens.
4.4 Installation Cross-reference Table
Most text mode installation screens can be cross-referenced with their GUI screen counterparts. This
table lists the installation screens in order and where you can go to get the necessary information for
each part of the installation.
For those screens which do not have adequate GUI counterparts, installation-related instructions and
screenshots will be provided in this chapter.
Table 4–1 Installation Cross-reference Table
Text Mode Screen Text Mode Reference Point
Language Screen Section 3.3, Language Selection
Keyboard Screen Section 3.4, Keyboard Configuration — Layout
Installation Method Section 3.2, Selecting an Installation Method
Identify Disk Partition to Install From Section 4.5, Identify Disk Partition to Install From
Installing over a Network Section 4.6, Installing over a Network
Mouse Selection Section 3.5, Mouse Configuration
Welcome Screen Section 3.6, Welcome to Red Hat Linux
Installation Type Section 3.7, Install Options
Disk Partitioning Setup Section 3.8, Disk Partitioning Setup
Automatic Partitioning Section 3.9, Automatic Partitioning
Disk Druid Section 3.10, Partitioning Your System
Section 3.11, Partitioning with
Hostname Configuration Section 3.12, Network Configuration