2 SpeedTouch™ Local Networking Setup
E-DOC-CTC-20040123-0001 v3.0
Antennas The SpeedTouch™580 features two antennas: one internal and one external. For trans-
mission of data, the external antenna is always used; whereas for reception of data, the
SpeedTouch™580 automatically selects the antenna which receives the optimal signal.
The external antenna can be directed to allow for the optimization of the wireless link.
The antenna characteristics are such that wireless links perpendicular to the antenna
are favoured. I.e. when the antenna is erect, wireless links in the horizontal plane are
favoured. Please note that the antenna characteristics are influenced by the environ-
ment, i.e. by reflections of the radio signal against walls or ceilings. It is advised to use
the received signal strength as indicated by the wireless client manager to optimize the
antenna position for the link to a given client.
Wireless security Since the SpeedTouch™ wireless environment is a radio environment, precautions must
be taken to ensure that your wireless network is safe from malicious intruders. In addi-
tion to providing the possibility of giving a personalized Network Name (SSID) to the
wireless network, the SpeedTouch™ features a physical registration mechanism, a
managed Access Control List (ACL) and the possibility to select different levels of secu-
• Level 0 (The default): No security i.e. the data will not be encrypted, no authenti-
cation process will be used.
• Level 1: Backwards compatible security with any Wi-Fi certified client (WEP), i.e.
encrypting the traffic between the SpeedTouch™ and the clients by sharing a pre-
defined 64-bit or a 128-bit Network key.
Note The default 64 bits hexadecimal WEP key is for your convenience
printed on the identification label located at the bottom of the Speed-
Touch™580 and is unique for each device.
• Level 2: WPA-PSK is the highest form of security available but make sure that your
wireless client and client manager are compatible with it.
Note The default WPA-Personal passphrase is for your convenience printed
on the identification label located at the bottom of the Speed-
Touch™580 and is unique for each device.
Level 1 This level uses Wired Equivalent Protocol (WEP) to provide wireless security that is
compatible with any Wi-Fi certified client.
WEP relies on a secret key that is shared between the wireless client (e.g. a laptop with
a wireless client and the SpeedTouch™580). The fixed secret key is used to encrypt
data before they are transmitted. I.e. during transmission between client and access
point (“in the air”) the information in the packets is encrypted.