
Setting Up the VCR
Time and Date
The VCR gives you two ways to set the time and date. The Auto
Clock feature which enables the VCR to update the clock each
time you turn off the VCR. The Auto Clock feature is
advantageous because it updates the time for you automatically.
The second way is entering the time and date manually into the
menu system.
Auto Clock SET Feature
The Auto Clock feature is set to ON at the factory. In the ON
setting, the VCR looks for a channel carrying XDS (Extended Data
Services) information and updates the clock using the
Coordinated Universal Time. After the clock is initially set, you
may have to set the Time Zone and Daylight Saving features.
Auto Clock Info
With a cable box, the VCR will not
reset the clock after a power outage
unless the cable box is set to the
channel carrying the broadcast signal.
If Auto Clock Set is unsuccessful, try
tuning the VCR (or cable box) to a
channel carrying the XDS information
(usually PBS), then turn the VCR off.
If the time does not set within 10
minutes, set the time and date
manually through the menu items.
Check local cable system or TV
stations for availability of channels
with XDS.
Set the Time Zone
1. Press MENU to display the VCR MAIN MENU.
1 VCR Plus+
2 Timer Recordings
3 Time
4 Channels
5 Preferences
6 Audio
7 Language
0 Exit
2. Press 3 to display TIME menu.
1 Set Time and Date
2 Auto Clock Set: ON
3 Set Time Zone
4 Set Daylight Savings
0 Exit