Setting Up the VCR
3. Press 6 to select DSS SETUP.
On what channel does
the VCR receive signals
from the DSS receiver?
Enter 01-125 or INPUT
Press MENU to cancel
4. Enter the output channel of your satellite receiver, usually 03,
04, or video line input and press MENU. The VCR confirms
that it receives all DSS signals on the specified channel.
The VCR will now
receive all signals
from the DSS receiver
on channel 03.
Press MENU to continue
5. Press MENU and enter the code for your Digital Satellite
Receiver from the Satellite Receiver Code List.
Enter the code for your
DSS receiver from the
list in your User's
Press MENU to cancel
6. Turn on your satellite receiver and tune it to channel 100 and
then press MENU. Follow the on-screen directions.
Please turn on your
DSS Receiver and tune
it to channel 100.
Press MENU to continue
Once you have completed the setup, the VCR confirms the
DSS Setup is completed or canceled.
Satellite Receiver Codes
GE ................................................................ 00
Panasonic.................................................. 01
ProScan ..................................................... 00
RCA............................................................. 00
Toshiba ....................................................... 02
Sony............................................................. 03
This VCR may not control all models
of the brands that are shown.