
You can set up as many as eight timer recording programs.
1. Press MENU,PROG to display the VCR MAIN MENU.
1 VCR Plus+
2 Timer Recordings
3 Time
4 Channels
5 Preferences
6 Audio
7 Language
0 Exit
2. Press 2 to display the TIMER RECORDINGS menu.
1 Create a New Program
2 Revieu Existing Progs.
3 Use VCR Plus+ Code
0 Exit
3. Press 1 to Create a New Program.
How often should this
program record?
1 One Time
2 DaiLy (every day)
3 Weekdays (R-F)
4 WeekLy (once per week)
O Cancel
4. Select how often you want the program to record.
Program 1 (One Time)
Channel li
Start Time If:l-
End Time I-:--
Start Date l-/ll/l-
Tape Speed SLP
Press RENU to cancel
Enter the data for the program with the number buttons.
The data includes the channel numl_er (press INPUT to select
the line input), start time including AM or PM, and end time.
The start date is automatically entered based on the VCR
clock. Both the date and speed can be changed.
Timer Recording Information
Clock must be set correctly.
Insert a tape with the safety tab in
place and enough tape to record
the program.
The output of your cable box appears
in the Channel item of the timer
recording menu if you've set up the
VCR for a cable box for all channels.
PROGRAMS OVERLAP appears if you
have entered two programs where
the times overlap.
The TIMER indicator appears in the
display when you turn off the VCR
and a •timer recording has been set. It
flashes if there is no tape in the VCR.
For cable box or •satellite receiver the
VCR can control, turnit on before the
recording is to begin. Enter the cable
or satellite channel number to be
recorded in the Channel item of the
timer recording menu.
For cable box or satellite receiver the
VCR cannot control, turn it on and
tune it to the channel you want to
record before the recording is
to begin.