Chapter 4 27
Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.
Using the TV’s Menu System
List & Labels Edit the channels in the list or choose labels for each channel. For
example, if channel 12 is NBC, you can use this feature to label it NBC so it appears
on-screen as part of the Channel Banner.
To delete a channel from the channel list, highlight Channel and use the left or
right arrow button to select the channel. Then highlight In list and press the OK
button. The box should no longer display a check mark.
To add a label to a channel, select the channel in the Channel option. Press the
down arrow button to highlight Label. Press the right arrow button to highlight
the first space. Use the up or down arrow button to ascend or descend through the
characters. Continue to press the right arrow button to highlight the space and the
up or down arrow button to add a character. Press OK when you’re finished adding
a label.
Closed Caption Many programs are encoded with closed-captioning information,
which lets you display the audio portion of a program as text on the TV screen.
Closed captioning is not available on all channels at all times. Only specific
programs encoded with closed-captioning information are applicable. When a
program is closed captioned, CC is displayed in the Channel Banner. Go to Chapter
3 for more information about the Channel Banner. The closed caption options are:
CC Display Lets you choose the way closed captioning information is shown
on the screen.
Off No captioning information displayed.
On Captioning information always appears, when available.
Muted=On Displays captioning information, when available, whenever
the TV’s sound is muted by pressing the MUTE button. The captioning
information is not displayed when the sound is not muted.
CC Mode Choose which captioning mode is used for displaying captioning
information. If you are unsure of the differences among the modes, you may
prefer to leave the closed captioned mode set to CC1, which displays complete
text of the program in the primary language in your area.
Auto Tuning Displays a choice list that lets you set up the TV to automatically
tune to the correct video input channel when you press a component button (VCR,
DVD, SAT•CAB) on the remote. Go to Chapter 3 for details about the auto tuning
Language Lets you select your preferred language for the menus, which you
should have set in the Initial Setup. Go to page 7 for more information.
Parental Control Menu
The Parental Control menu was explained in Chapter 3. Go to page 18 for more
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