Setup and Connections
Step 5: Connect the G-LINK Cable
This is an important step because the G-LINK cable enables your TV/VCR
and the GUIDE Plus+ system (the on-screen guide that lists what shows
are on TV) to work with your cable box. The G-LINK cable will not work
until the GUIDE Plus+ system is set up. (Setting up the GUIDE Plus+
system is explained in “Step 8: Set Up the GUIDE Plus+ System,” later in
this section.)
If you do not have a cable box, you do not have to connect the cable. If
your TV is connected to a cable box, you must connect the G-LINK cable
to your cable control box, complete the TV/VCR menu setup, and
activate auto-programming. Unless you complete these steps, no
channels will be listed in the on-screen program guide and your TV will
not work properly.
Find the Remote Control Sensor
You have to attach the G-LINK cable’s end to the remote control sensor
on the cable box. Some cable boxes have a label attached to it that
identifies the remote control sensor. If the remote sensor isn’t labeled on
your cable box, you need to use the remote control that came with the
cable box to locate the sensor. To do this:
1. Turn off the cable box.
2. Hold the remote control (not the one that came with your TV/VCR,
but the one that came with the cable box) so it is touching the
front of the component.
3. Slowly move the remote control across the front of the cable box
while you press the power button on and off. You must press and
release the power button each time you move the remote (holding
down the button won’t work).
4. When the cable box turns on, you’ve located the remote control
5. Attach the end of the G-LINK cable to your cable box (see
instructions below).
Attach the End to the Cable Box
Attach the end of the G-LINK cable to your cable box as shown in the
illustration to the right.
Note that you must remove the demo pin
from the G-LINK jack on the back of the
TV/VCR before inserting the G-LINK cable.
You may want to use a piece of clear
plastic tape to temporarily affix the G-LINK
cable end until you have completed the
connection. That way you can easily move
it if you have not placed it correctly over
the sensor.
Connect to G-LINK jack
on the back of the TV/VCR.