Chapter 2
Wireless Client Manager
E-DOC-CTC-20040401-0002 v3.0
Common Common allows you to configure the basic wireless parameters:
The following fields are available:
Network Name (default: “speedtouch”)
Input an SSID string for the wireless network to which you want to connect.
This should be set to the same value as the SSID of the access point or wireless
router to which you are connected. Set this value to ANY to allow connection
to any access point. This assumes that the access points are broadcasting the
SSID. If not, then set the SSID to the value configured on the Access Point.
Operating Mode
Set the operation mode to:
802.11 ad hoc
To create a wireless network without access point.
For connections with an access point.
Transmit Rate
Indicates the data transmission rate. Select an appropriate transmission speed.
If you are setting up an ad hoc wireless LAN, set the channel to the same radio
channel as that used by the other wireless clients in your group. However, if
you are connecting to a network via an access point, then the channel is
automatically set by the access point.
Security The Security ON/Security OFF button indicates whether the security function has
been enabled or disabled:
By default wireless security is disabled.