3 SpeedTouch™ Internet Connectivity
E-SIT-CTC-20030702-0003 v4.0
3.2 Internet Sessions via an RFC1483 Bridged
Connectivity The RFC1483 Bridged connection offers two connectivity scenario’s:
• IEEE802.1D Transparent Bridging
This connection provides instant access without the need of “opening” a connec-
tion. Although not required for making a physical connection to your Service
Provider, you may have to enter your credentials (user name and password) via an
ISP logon web page.
• Bridged PPPoE (via a PPPoE session client)
This connection scenario provides PPP-like dial-in behavior over the virtual
Ethernet segment.
Dial -in clients In case of Bridged PPPoE you can use:
• An MS Windows XP broadband dial-in client to connect to the Internet.
See “3.2.1 Using an MS Windows XP BroadBand Connection.” on page 37 for
more information.
• A Mac OS X broadband dial-in client to connect to the Internet.
See “3.2.2 Using the Mac OS X PPPoE Dial-in Client” on page 41 for more infor-
- or -
• A broadband dial-in client provided by your Service Provider to connect to the
Note Required for PPPoE session connectivity in case of
MS Windows 98(SE), MS Windows ME, MS Windows 2000 and
Mac OS 8.6/9.x.