Chapter 5
SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
E-DOC-CTC-20050401-0008 v1.0
5.6.6 Configuring WDS
Availability This page is only available on the SpeedTouch™716v5 WL.
What is WDS The Wireless Distribution System (WDS) allows you to extend the range of your
wireless network by introducing one or more WDS-enabled devices into your wireless
Accessing the WDS
To access the WDS pages on the SpeedTouch™:
1 On the left menu, click Home Network.
2 Under Wireless, click the Access Point you want to configure for WDS.
3 Click Configure.
4 Under Pick a task... list, click Configure WDS.
Proceed as follow:
1 Under Pick a task..., click Scan for wireless accesspoints.
2 The SpeedTouch™ prompts you that all associated stations will loose
connectivity for a few seconds. Click OK.
3 The SpeedTouch™ lists the results in the Accessible Access Points table.
4 Select the Access Point to which you want to establish a WDS connection.
5 Click Apply.
6 Configure this Access Point with:
The same WEP key if WEP is enabled.
The same fixed channel.
You can only establish WDS links with WDS enabled devices.
The Access Points names are of the following format: “WLAN: “ +
Network Name, for example “WLAN: SpeedTouch123456.