7. Use a compass (page 26) to verify that the LNB support arm is
pointed toward the azimuth number (compass direction) you
8. Make sure there are no obstructions (trees, buildings,
windows, your body or hands, etc.) that might be interfering
with the satellite signal.
9. Bring up the on-screen signal meter and try to acquire the
signal again.
Rotate the dish left and right (one tick at a time) pausing at
each location for 5 seconds until the signal meter produces
one continuous tone.
10. If you can’t acquire a signal by rotating the dish left and
right, adjust the elevation of the dish.
Return the LNB support arm to the original azimuth (left-to-
right compass direction) and tighten one nut on the support
Loosen the elevation nuts on the LNB support arm and rotate
the dish upward and downward (one tick mark at a time).
Pause at each position for 5 seconds until the signal meter
produces one continuous tone.
11. If you suspect you have a problem with your RG-6 coaxial
cables, consider testing the cable by using it to connect the
receiver to the TV. If you can access the on-screen menu
system, the cable should be okay.
If you are still unable to achieve a signal, turn to Appendix C,
Warranty Information, for more information.