
Lyra • jukebox
During playback, you can select and place songs you like into the Likes playlist. These
songs are played more frequently during Smart Shuffle mode (Refer to page 36 for Smart
Shuffle details).
Artist 3
Album 1
Song 4
128k 233/2356
1. When a song is playing, press the LIKE button
to tag the song and place it into the Likes system
The icon will show on the bottom right
corner of the display to show the song has been
tagged as a “like” song.
2. To de-select a song from the Likes playlist, press
the DISLIKE button while the song is playing.
Note: To clear the Likes playlist, refer to User
Playlist under System Settings menu on page 41.
In playback mode, you can tag songs you don’t like and place them into the Dislikes
playlist. Songs in the Dislikes playlist are played less frequently during Smart Shuffle
mode (Refer to page 36 for Smart Shuffle details).
1. When a song is playing, press the DISLIKE
button to tag the song and add it to the Dislikes
The x icon will show on the bottom right corner
of the display to show the song has been tagged
as a “dislike” song.
2. To de-select a song from the Dislikes playlist,
press the LIKE button while the song is playing.
Note: To clear the Dislike playlist, refer to User
Playlist under System Settings menu on page 41.
Note: You can also view the Dislikes playlist on
your computer where songs that have been
marked can be viewed or deleted. (Refer to System
Tray Applications on page 22)
Artist 3
Album 1
Song 4
128k 233/2356
0:55 x