RCA L Version 2.0 7
2 Product description
2.1 Function and design of this door
The model Re-Coil-Away is a vertically opening door.
2.1.1 Principle
The door assembly consists of left and right side frames and a header assembly. The header
assembly contains the curtain and the drive system already attached. The bottom beam is
already attached to the curtain. Door comes standard with a balance system.
The Re-Coil-Away door rolls the curtain material directly on and off a barrel assembly. The
edges of this curtain are contained within the side frames via a patented windlok system
while the curtain is being rolled or unrolled off the barrel. These side frames guide the curtain
also and provide a seal.
The bottom beam, located on the bottom of the curtain, contains a continuously monitored
pneumatic safety edge. Activation of this device will stop the door and cause the door to
reverse to a fully open position. The door also has a reversing photocell attached to the side
frames of the door.
2.1.2 Door Speeds
The maximum opening speed depends on the size of the door and sprocket size.
Door Size 1-Speed
Up to 12’ x 12’ 18” per sec.
12’ x 12’ to
18’ x 18’
15” per sec
Measured at 8 feet high.
2.2 Electric safety features
Before each downward movement an internal test of the photocells and the control unit is
performed (Safety classification 2). If a malfunction has been acknowledged, the drive power
is interrupted (ACS-50 Control Panel) and the door will not operate to close the door.