Chapter 3
chapter 3 33
Time Search
You can use the TIME SEARCH feature to go to a specific point in a track.
1. Press the TIME SEARCH button. A prompt appears beneath the Track number
in the Info Display.
2. Use the number buttons to enter the elapsed time you want to go to in that
track. For example, entering 01:36 will start playback one minute and thirty-six
seconds into the track.
Note: Use the 0/10 button to enter zeros. For example, to enter 01:36,
press the 0/10 button, then the 1, then the 3, then the 6.
GO TO 01:36
Use the Time Search feature to go to an
elapsed time in a track.
Using the Repeat Feature
There are three repeat options:
• Disc – repeats the entire disc
• Track – repeats the track that is playing
• A-B Repeat – repeats a selected segment of the disc
To Repeat a Track or Disc:
1. While a disc is playing, press REPEAT (the repeat banner appears and displays Repeat one).
2. The current track will repeat until you turn REPEAT off or select REPEAT ALL to repeat the
entire disc.
3. To repeat the entire disc, press REPEAT again (The repeat banner displays Repeat All).
4. To turn repeat off, press the REPEAT button until “REPEAT OFF” is displayed.