The Menu System
About DSS
Select About DSS from the Options menu to choose from a list of
on-line Help topics. Point and select to find out about the
specific parts of the DSS
system, then use the right arrow key to
continue through each of the Help screens or press
MENU•SELECT to return to the Help menu.
Program Guide shows a screen-by-screen overview of the
Program guide features.
Menu System shows a screen-by-screen overview of the DSS
system menus.
Remote Control shows an on-screen display of the remote
control. Point to the different remote buttons to see a brief
description of the highlighted button.
Front Panel shows an on-screen display of the DSS
front panel. Point to the different front panel features to see a
brief description of the highlighted feature.
Back Panel shows an on-screen display of the DSS
receiver back
panel. Point to the different back panel features to see a brief
description of the highlighted feature.
Glossary shows a list of common DSS
system and TV terms.
Point to a glossary item to see a brief description.
Look and Feel
Default Guide lets you choose which guide appears first when
you press the GUIDE button on the remote. The choices are Grid
Guide, Detail Guide and SurfGuide.
Color Scheme lets you pick which color appears in the guides
and menu system.
Translucency lets you choose the translucency of the menu
displays. Slide the indicator bar to make the screens more
opaque or less opaque.
Animation lets you turn animation on or off. Animation
appears on-screen only when music channels are selected.