
50 Chapter 7
Other Information
Main menu Sub menu Functions
PICTURE QUALITY CONTRAST Adjusts the contrast.
BLACK LEVEL Adjusts the brightness.
SHARPNESS Adjusts the sharpness.
COLOR Adjusts the color density (video input only).
TINT Adjusts the picture tint (video input only).
PRESETS Sets the picture mode according to the video environment.
COLOR TEMP. Adjusts the color temperature and white balance.
NOISE REDUCE Reduces noise visible in image.
Main menu Sub menu Functions
AUDIO BASS Sets the bass.
TREBLE Sets the treble.
BALANCE Sets the left/right balance.
Main menu Sub menu Functions
SCREEN V-POSITION Adjusts the vertical picture position of the picture on the screen.
H-POSITION Adjusts the horizontal picture position of the picture on the screen.
V-HEIGHT Adjusts the vertical size of the picure.
H-WIDTH Adjusts the horizontal size of the picure.
AUTO PICTURE When turned on, automatically adjusts for flickering and striped patterns.
FINE PICTURE Adjusts for flickering in the picture.
PICTURE ADJ. Adjusts for striped patterns in the picture.
Main menu Sub menu Functions
FUNCTION DISPLAY Turns the on-screen display on and off.
MENU ADJUST Adjusts the vertical and horizontal position of the menu display.
POWER SAVER Sets the monitor for use as an energy-saving display when used with a computer.
GRAY LEVEL When viewing a picture with 4:3 aspect ratio, sets the luminance of both sides of
the picture.
FILM MODE When turned to AUTO, selects the correct viewing format.
RGB3 ADJUST Adjusts the display position in RGB3 input.
SCREEN SAVER Used principally for PC operation.
PLE sets the luminance level to a fixed mode to reduce the effects of
phosphor aging.
ORBITER moves the image around the screen intermittantly to reduce the
effects of phosphor aging.
INVERSE works in RGB mode only. Inverts the video signal, playing the image
in a negative format.
RESET Resets
ALL the settings to the factory default values.
The Monitor Menu System