
Read *.txt File
M5001/M5002 supports reading .txt and .lrc Unicode files.
1. To read text files stored on M5001/M5002, select Notes
option on Main Menu and press OK key to enter the
Notes function.
2. Select a text file on the file list and press OK key to read
it. (Select and enter a folder where the video belongs first
if necessary.)
3. Press
or key to read the complete text.
Note: If you want to delete text files on the file list, please
refer to “Music
- Delete a Song from Device” section.
Note: The Unicode text files can be read on M5001/M5002
correctly. Open the text files on computer, select “Save
as…” and choose Code to be Unicode, then press Save
button. And then you can copy the file to and read
from M5001/M5002.