Microphone Recording
M5001/M5002 has a built in Microphone, which can also works as a synchronizing
recorder. In other words, you can use it to record your voice in either an interview or a
speech. To proceed Microphone Recording, follow the steps below.
Note: During Music Playback, you have to pause the song
that is currently playing to start Recording.
1. Press A-B[•] button to start recording.
2. On the display, a recording file should be generated and
placed under [RECORD] folder. File named from
Voice-yearmonthday-001, ex: Voice-20060514-001, and
so forth. (File extension depends on the format you
3. Press A-B[•] button again to stop recording. It will be
encoded to a MP3 format file and save in the RECORD
folder in the M5001/M5002 automatically, and you will
see the status jump to the file list in the RECORD folder.
Radio Recording
1. Select a radio broadcast channel that you want to record.
2. Press A-B[•] button to start recording.
3. On the Display, a recording file should be generated and
placed under the folder of [RECORD]. The file name
sequence starts from Radio-yearmonthday-001, ex:
Radio-20060514-001, and so forth. (File extension
depends on the format you selected.)
4. Press A-B[•] button again to stop recording, and you will
see the status return to the previous status.