Connections & Setup
12 Chapter 1
Picture Menu
e Picture menu items allow you to adjust the appearance of on-screen images for
each video input source. Scroll to the feature you want to set. Use the right arrow
button to change the setting.
Go Back Takes you to the previous menu.
Picture Preset Choose between Soft, Natural, Bright or Personal. e default
setting is Natural.
Picture Enhance Controls the level of automatic color correction. Choose
between Medium, High or Off.
Color Warmth Choose between Cool, Normal or Warm. e default setting is
Brightness Adjusts the brightness of the picture.
Color Adjusts the richness of the picture.
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the picture.
Sharpness Adjusts the sharpness of the picture. When the component inputs are
used, this selection is grayed out (disabled).
Tint Adjusts the balance between the red and green levels of the picture.
Go Back
Picture Preset Bright...
Pict. Enhance High...
Color Warmth Normal...
Go Back
Remote Config. TV1....
Basic Access Enabled...
TV Power On Always....
Energy Saver Disabled...
Front Panel Enabled...
Par. Controls Basic...
Min Stby Power Enabled...
Legacy Mode
Info Menu
Channel Guide
Ignore PSIP
Access and Power Options Menu
e Access and Power Options menu allows the master user to specify which
features and functions basic users will be able to access. Scroll to the feature you
want to set. Use the right arrow button to change the setting.
Go Back Takes you to the previous menu.
Remote Configuration is feature allows the master user to determine which
TVs the remote operates. Choose from TV1, TV2, TV3, TV1&2, TV1&3,
TV2&3, All or Disabled. e default setting is All. If Disabled is chosen, the TV
will not respond to the basic remote, but pressing MENU on the master remote
will work.
Note: When Remote Config. is set to Disabled, the MENU button
on the master remote turns on the TV.
Basic Access is setting allows you to determine whether the TV's basic
menus are accessible. Choose Enabled or Disabled. When the basic menu is
disabled, users cannot access menus through the basic remote or front panel.
TV Power is setting allows you to determine whether the TV can be turned
on or off with the POWER button on the remote or the front panel. Choose
On Always e TV is always on and cannot be turned off; the Sleep
Timer, Schedule and Energy Saver settings are disabled.
Note: When the DSCI (Digital Serial Communications Interface)
port is used to turn the TV on and off, the On Always setting is
Note: The Sleep Timer, Schedule and
Energy Saver settings are unavailable when
On Always has been activated (in the TV
Power menu), even if they were set prior to
choosing this option.