Chapter 1 11
Connections & Setup
Sound Menu
Scroll to the feature you want to set. Use the right arrow button to change the
Go Back Takes you to the previous menu.
Sound Type Plays the sound in Mono only.
Balance (Model J20F742 only) Set the balance to the left (there is no left
speaker in the TV) in order to direct the sound to the pendant speaker. Set
Sound Type to Mono.
Initial Volume Sets the TV’s volume to the specified level every time it is
turned on.
Note: When the DSCI (Digital Serial Communications Interface) port is
used to turn the TV on and off, Initial Volume
settings are nonfunctional.
Minimum Volume Re-scales the volume control slider so that the far left
position is always the minimum allowable volume (but not necessarily the
minimum possible volume).
Maximum Volume Re-scales the volume control slider so that the far right
position is always the maximum allowable volume (but not necessarily the
maximum possible volume).
Auto Vol (Volume) Level Reduces volume blasts during commercial breaks.
Eliminates the need to constantly adjust volume control. Set it On or Off. The
default is Off.
Audio Output Lets you set the audio outputs to fixed, variable or zero level.
Audio level changes with volume control or when it is fixed it doesn't change
regardless of volume setting. The default is variable.
Volume Hold Turns the TV’s speakers on and sets the audio outputs
proportional to the current volume setting. When this feature is turned on, mute
and other volume controls are disabled.
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Sound Type Mono...
Initial Volume
Minimum Volume
Maximum Volume
Auto Vol Level
Audio Output Fixed...
lume Hold
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