Hollywood DV-Bridge User’s Guide • Using Hollywood DV-Bridge With a PC • Page 26
Connecting DV Output
If you have a DV camcorder or VCR, there may be times when you want to output DV from
your computer to the digital camcorder or VCR. Since no conversion is performed, it is not
necessary to use the Hollywood DV-Bridge for this process. You can accomplish this mode
by simply connecting your DV device directly to your PC. However, it might be more conve-
nient to capture and output through the Hollywood DV-Bridge. If you computer is in an out-
of-the-way location, you may find it easier to simply connect the DV device to the Hollywood
DV-Bridge as follows:
1. Connect one end of a 1394/FireWire/i.LINK cable to the 1394 connector on the front
of the Hollywood DV-Bridge.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the DV connector on the DV camcorder or VCR.
Note: This is the same setup used for capturing DV. If you have already made the con-
nection for capturing, it is not necessary to change it. In this case, the 1394 cable
handles input and output.
Hollywood DV-Bridge
DV Camcorder