Using the Program Guides
Topics themes icon
Topics icon
Movies icon
Movies themes icon
Sorting the DIRECTV
Programming Guide by Topics
The topics icon at the bottom of the DIRECTV
programming guide sorts the guide
according to the current user’s preferences. Select the topics icon to sort the guide.
After you select the topics icon, it changes to the topics themes icon. Select the topics
themes icon to edit the current user’s themes preferences. These preferences are saved in
each user’s profile.
Checkmark the themes that interest you.
Checkmark the themes you would like to appear when you select the topics icon in the
guides. Programming that fits the description of checkmarked themes will appear in the
programming guide when you sort by the topics icon.
Sorting the DIRECTV
Programming Guide by
Select the movies icon at the bottom of the DIRECTV
programming guide to tell the
guide to list only DIRECTV movies. After you select the movies icon, it changes to a
movies themes icon.
Select the movies themes icon to sort the guide to list movies by type, such as comedies
or musicals.
Select a movie theme that interests you.