
Digital Signal and Sound
The analog television broadcast system that has been used in the United States for the past 50 years transmits signals as
electronic waves. These waves can suffer degradation as the signal travels to your home. Additionally, the analog waves are
susceptible to interference from planes passing overhead, weather, and household appliances.
Digital signals, in contrast to analog signals, can be reproduced precisely because the images are transmitted and received
using the computer language of 1s and 0s. Such precision yields a signal that is capable of displaying studio-quality picture
and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel sound.
Part 3: Other Key Features of owning an RCA HDTV
There are other HDTV’s on the market– even some that use DLP™ technology. But your RCA HDTV has been designed with
features that will enhance your TV viewing experience, and features that provide fl exibility to build on the digital revolution
that is taking place. A summary of your TV’s most unique features follows. Go to Chapter 3 for more details on these and
additional features.
Integrated HDTV Tuner with Digital Cable Ready QAM
RCA was the fi rst to offer an integrated tuner with its HDTVs, which means there is no need for another box to receive
digital programming. Now, we’ve gone one better–your HDTV’s tuner is digital cable ready, which means there is no need
for a cable box to view unscrambled digital cable programming. The CableCARD™ slot on your HDTV allows you to use a
digital cable card to access digital cable. The tuner is able to decode all 35 formats of digital television broadcasts, and it can
interpret unscrambled digital cable signals because it includes QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation).
Note: A digital cable card may be necessary to view scrambled (encrypted) channels. Contact your cable provider for
more information. Go to page 10 for more information.
TruScan Digital Reality
The intelligent signal processing of TruScan Digital Reality recognizes incoming video signals and progressively converts
them to achieve optimum digital picture performance. It also recognizes when original fi lm sources have been modifi ed
and can automatically convert the analog frame rate back to its original format to bring out the detail–a process commonly
referred to as reverse 3:2 pulldown.
User-friendly Features Help You Personalize Your TV
You can customize your TV to fi t your viewing taste and match the lighting
where you watch TV by using Personal Presets and/or the automatic picture
quality settings: Vibrant (Day), Natural, Cinematic (Night), Videogame, and
Professional. You can adjust each input jack to a different setting and the TV
will automatically adjust the picture when you change inputs.
Help Text: The elaborate, on-screen help text describes your TV’s features
and explains how to use them.
Picture Presets
Picture Settings
Go Back
Noise Reduction
Color Warmth
Auto Color
Green Stretch
Edge Enhancement
Contrast Expand
Advanced Settings
Press 5 or 6 to point to an option, then press OK to select it.
Press 3 to return to the menu.
A change in this screen is applied to Input 3.
Vibrant Day
Cinematic (Night)
Contrast 65%
Color 70%
Tint 55%
Black Level 60%
Sharpness 55%
Auto Color On
Color Warmth Cool
Noise Reduction Frame Comb
Green Stretch High
Edge Enhancement Low
Contrast Expand High
Main Menu
4Picture Quality
CableCARD™ is a trademark of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Help text