Playing Titles/Chapters in a Favorite Order
You can combine your favorite titles/chapters and play them in the order you determine.
1. When a DVD is stopped, press the MEMORY button and the following display appears.
2. Select the items in the order you want by pressing the number buttons.Each time you press the Cursor
buttons ( , , , ), the space is highlighted. Highlight where you want to enter, then press the
corresponding number buttons.
3. Press the Cursor buttons ( , , , ) to move the highlighted bar
to Play Memory, then press the ENTER button. The DVD player starts
memory playback.
4. To resume normal playback from memory playback
a) Press the MEMORY button in stop mode.
b) Press the Cursor buttons ( , , , ) to move the highlighted
barto “ClearAll”,thenpressthe ENTERbutton.Allthe input
programs will be cleared.
c) Press the PLAY button to resume normal playback.
• IfthetitleorchapternumbersyouenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,afteryoupresstheENTERbutton,
it will restore to - - -. You should re-enter correct numbers.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitmemoryplaybackoperation.
• Ifyouselectrepeatduringmemoryplayback,theDVDplayerrepeatsthecurrentmemoryplayback.
• IfyoupresstheMEMORYbuttonwhilethedisplayappearsontheTVscreen,thedisplaydisappears.
• TheprogrammedselectionswillbeclearedwhenyouopenthedisctrayorturnofftheDVDplayer.
DVD Programmable Memory
Viewing JPG Files
Viewing JPG Files
1. Open the disc door.
2. Hold a JPG file disc by its edge and gently push it onto the spindle
3. Close the disc door. A list of folders/files will appear on the
4. Press the or button to select your desired file. The selected
picture will appear at the lower right corner. Press the PLAY
button to start playback. Press the STOP button to display a
folder list.
• Youcanpressthe
PAUSE button to interrupt playback. Press the PLAY button to resume playback.
• Youcanpressthe STOP button to quit playback.
• Youcanpressthe PREV or NEXT button to change the picture.
• YoucanpresstheANGLEbuttontorotatedirectionofthepictureby90°.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitthisoperation.
This unit can play JPG files recorded on a CD-R or CD-ROM disc (CD-RW is not recommendable).