The Menu System
Not everybody likes to watch the same things. Within your own family
you might not want everybody to be able to watch the same things.
The Profiles menu allows up to four individual members of your
household to control their own viewing choices by setting up a
customized channel list that can be protected with a PIN (Personal
Identification Number).
Especially for Parents
The Profiles feature also contains a Main Profile that is automatically
activated each time the digital receiver is turned on. Setting up the Main
Profile lets you as a parent decide which channels and the type of shows
that can be viewed by your children.
Remember, the Main Profile PIN lets you lock the Profiles menu so that
no one can change any of the rating limits, spending limits, or channel
lists without knowing this four-digit PIN. The Main Profile PIN ensures
that only the programming of your choice can be viewed through the
digital receiver.
Getting to the Profiles Menu
The Profile menu lets you set up a Main Profile and four individual User
Profiles. To get to the Profiles menu, point to Profiles in the Main menu
and press SELECT•MENU.
Profiles let you decide which channels can be viewed.