Refer to the chart below to find the code numbers that correspond to your brand of
VCR. Try each two-digit code number separately until you find the correct one. Press
the buttons on the remote corresponding to the code numbers.
VCR Brand * Code(s)
RCA 02, 04, 09, 87, 88
GE 02, 04, 09, 22
JVC 01, 07, 08
Magnavox 03,22, 52, 58
Zenith 28
Panasonic 04, 22, 25, 28, 27
Sharp 23, 29
Toshiba 80, 82
Hitachi 87, 88
Mitsubishi 85, 86
Akai 81, 84
Sony 70, 72, 83, 89
Sanyo 50, 73, 78, 79
NEC 75, 76
1. Turn on the VCR.
2. Make sure the lithium cell is installed
in the remote. The remote will need
to be reprogrammed when you
change the lithium cell.
3. Press and hold MBR SET while
pressing two digits for the code.
Then release MBR SET.
* The remote may not be able to control
every model VCR of the brands listed.
4. Test the code number by pressing and
holding VCR while pressing one of the
function buttons (REW, F FWD, STOP,
PAUSE, or PLAY). If the VCR does
not perform the function, repeat step 3
with another code number.
Chart of VCR Code Numbers