Using the Remote Control
You'll use these buttons when you program the
remote to operate another component.
The remote may not operate all models of
all brands.
Programming the Remote to Operate
Other Components
The ucdversal remote control can be programmed to operate most brands
of remote controllahle VCRs, satellite receivers and cable boxes. The
remote is already programmed to operate most RCA, GE and PP,OSCAN
TVs. VCRs. DVD players, laserdisc players and satellite receivers.
Find Out If You Need to Program the Remote
To determine whether the universal remote needs to be programmed,
turn a component ON. such as a VCR, point the remote at the VCF,, and
press the VCR1 button. "l'her_press ON*OFF or channel up or channel
doyen to see if the VCR responds Io the remote conmlands. If not, the
remote needs to be programmed.
How to Program the Remote
There are two ways to program tla.eremote control: automatic code
search and direct entry. Instructions for both ways follow.
To stop the automatic code search without
programming any components, press and hold CLEAR
until the light on the remote turns off.
Using Automatic Code Search
1. Turn on the component you want the remote to operate (VCR, DVD
Player, etc.)
Press and hold the component button on the remote control that
corresponds to the component you want the remote to operate
(VCR1, DVD, etc.). While you hold down the component button,
press and ho'td ON*OFF (when the red light on the remote turns
on, release both buttons).
3. Press PlAY (the red light on the remote, located below the ON*OFF
button, starts flashing).
The remote is searching the first set Of component codes (there are
20 sets of codes). If the component you want to operate doesn't
turn off automatically after 5 seconds, press PlAY again (the red
light starts flashing again as the remote searches through the next
set of codes).
Continue pressing PLAY until the component turns off.
Note: lJ'lhe component doesn't turn of/'qfter you 'repressed the
PLAY bullon 20 times, the component call 't be prn[_rammed.
Press REVEKqE. wait 2 seconds. Repeat this step until the
componem turns back on.
5. To finish, press and hold the STOP button until the red light on the
remote turns off.
24 Chapter 2