
a. Current: Indicates the current active profile.
b. Profile: Indicates the profile number
c. Profile Name: Right-click on this row and select “Rename” to enter a profile name of your choice.
d. Application: Right-click on this row and select “Assign Application” to open up the directory browsing.
Select the executable file of the program you want the profile to be linked to.
e. Auto Switch: Check the box to enable automatic profile switching when the chosen application is
Right-clicking on any profile allows you to quickly access a list of extra commands.
In the Manage Macros tab, you can record unlimited keystrokes (dependent on your storage resources).
These macros can also be imported and exported onto your hard disk for future usage.
a. Macro Entry: Enter your macro in the Macro Entry box. You can even choose to insert a delay time
and/or a mouse-button press.
b. Delay (ms): Choose the amount of delay to be inserted between keystrokes of your macro.