
Marine Elegance PARTS LIST
221100 Toilet Bowl,standard, angled, White(1)
221100A Toilet bowl Bone(1)
2210012 Discharge Pump Assembly (1)
221012 MOTOR: 12 VDC (1)
221024 MOTOR: 24V DC (1)
221105 O-RING (1)
221110 Discharge Pump Seal Plate (1)
221115 Discharge Pump Macerator Housing(1)
221120 Bowl Throat Adapter (1)
221125 Bowl Throat Adapter Clamp (small)(1)
221130 Bowl Throat Adapter Clamp - Large (1)
221135 JOKER VALVE (Custom) (2)
221140 Discharge Hose (Custom)(1)
221145 Discharge Adapter Fitting(1)
221150 Uni Seal 1/2” (1)
221155 Discharge Pump Mounting Bracket(1)
221156 Discharge Mtg Bracket Straight Back Model
221160 Discharge Hose Clamp - Small (1)
221165 Discharge Hose Clamp - Large (1)
221170 Discharge hose strap(not shown)
221175 L bolts2(2) ( not shown)
221210 Bowl Mounting Bushing (2)
221215 Bowl Mounting Bushing Cap (2)
221300 Vacuum Breaker Assembly 1
221325 Vacuum Breaker Seal Washer (1)
221330 Vacuum Breaker O-Ring (#16)(1)
221351 Water Solenoid Valve (12V)(1)
221352 Water solenoid valve (24V)(1)
221355 Water Line Adapter (1)
221335 1/2" Hose 2.25" L (1)
221340 1/2" Clamps (2)
31-102 Motor Shaft Seal
31-114 Lock Nut 10-32 W/Nylon (3)
CH20B #10 Lock washer (not shown)
F321 Fender washer (not shown)
F186VT Bowl Mounting Screw: (2)
F187VT Bowl Mounting Screw (1)
F188 Well Nut (2)
F189 Deck Mounting (3)
F193VT Pump Mounting (1)
F195 Front mounting washer (1)
F196 Front mounting snap cap (1)
M23A Lockwasher
166000 Remote pump complete 12v
166100 Remote pump complete 24V
1660** Motor, raw water pump
161115 Impeller
161123 Macerator Blade
* Specify DC Voltage (12, 24, 32)
162135 Cone Seal
162225 O-Ring
162305 Lower Housing includes #162315
162310 Diaphragm includes #162315
162315 Piston (4)
162320 Piston Seat (4) includes #162315
162325A Bearing Plate Assembly includes #162315
162405 3/4" Hose Barb - 90° Fitting
162410 3/4" Hose Barb - Straight Fitting (2)
162415 Plug Fitting
162420 Fitting Clip (3)
162425 Fitting O-Ring (4)
F005 Set Screw
F172 Piston Fastener (4)
F144 Mounting Bolt Washer (4)
F162VT Mounting Bolt
F199 Bushing
1108A Nut
190601 Fresh water strainer
163000 Raw water strainer
221101 Toilet Bowl ,Standard,Straight White
231101 Toilet Bowl Tall Straight White
231100 Toilet Bowl Tall Angled White
Note: add suffics “A “for bone
1245 Seat and cover, white
1245A Seat and cover , Bone
214** Relay
Control parts (not shown):
SSFC02 Smart Control Box
SSFC 03 Smart wall panel
SSFC04 Cable
31-603 Cable
For Momentary Multifunction control after 02/10
221549 Momentary Multifunction control box
221524 Momentary Multifinction Bazel White
221543 Momentary Multifinction wall panel
221545 Cable for Momentary Multifunctin control
Repair kits:
inlet pump repair kit
162400 Fittings and O-rings for inlet pump
166000 Diaphragm pump complete 12V
166100 Diaphragm pump complete 24v
MERK Discharge pump repair kit