This section only applies if you wish to operate ConsoleSwitch with a user console (dumb terminal or terminal
emulator) set to communications settings other
than 9600 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit.
1. Type
U# ↵ (where # is the user port number of the user console to be configured).
2. Using the communications setup menu (see Figure 7 above), change any parameter that needs to be altered
in order to match your device’s communication settings.
3. Type
H ↵ to return to the main menu.
Repeat, if necessary, for the other user channel.
Congratulations! ConsoleSwitch is now ready for operation.
If you have any free channels in the back of the unit, consider attaching other devices to ConsoleSwitch, such as
networking equipment (switches and routers), network appliances (firewalls, load balancers, etc.), or servers. While
many of these devices may be managed via Telnet, Web, or SNMP; in the case of network failure, the
admin/console ports may be your only option for management and configuration, and ConsoleSwitch allows you
convenient access to those ports at a very low cost.
NOTE: The following information applies to configurations in which ConsoleSwitch is used as an add-on to a
Pargaon™ data center management solution, enabling seamlessly integrated, clustered access to serial devices
from the familiar Paragon interface. Users intending to use ConsoleSwitch in a standalone solution should skip
this section and refer to the previous section “ConsoleSwitch Standalone Installation”.
ConsoleSwitch, Paragon, and the AUATC Terminal Emulator/Converter auto-negotiate and auto-configure most
of the settings necessary to work with each other; this allows you to simply connect the devices together and
perform all setup and operations through the familiar Paragon On-Screen User Interface.
However, in order for these features to function appropriately, your Paragon and AUATC firmware must be at least
the following versions (Paragon version numbers are in hexadecimal):
Paragon Matrix Switch: 2B0 or higher
Paragon UST1 user station: 2K0 or higher
AUATC terminal emulator: v2.54 or higher
To check the firmware version of your Paragon Matrix Switch (p/n UMTxx), press the [FUNC] button on the
front panel of the unit. The LCD display will read “Display Ver./SN”. Press the [ENT] button on the front panel
of the unit. Paragon will then display your firmware version on the LCD display.
To check the firmware version of your Paragon UST1 user stations, login to Paragon and press the <F8> key. Your
firmware version will be displayed. Be sure to check the firmware version of each UST1 connected to Paragon.
To check the firmware version of your AUATC terminal emulator, simply power on your unit. If a monitor is
attached to the AUATC terminal emulator, a firmware version will appear on the top right-hand corner of the
The latest Paragon firmware can be downloaded from the Raritan website http://www.raritan.com. Please be
sure to read Appendix C: Updating Paragon Firmware before proceeding.