Type REBOOT n at the PCR8> prompt and press the <Enter> key to reboot or reset equipment attached to Outlet “n.” When
the REBOOT command is sent from the prompt, the Remote Power Control unit powers OFF the corresponding outlet for
approximately 10 seconds, and then powers it ON again. If all outlets are powered OFF, they will be powered ON again in
Note: This command works only on outlets that were “ON” prior to executing the Reboot command.
Important! Typing ON 0 (zero), OFF 0, or REBOOT 0 at the command prompt causes the Remote Power
Control to turn ON, OFF, or REBOOT ALL outlets. Entering a 0 (zero) indicates that the command should be
executed for ALL outlets.
Type HELP at the prompt and press the <Enter> key to view a list of commands and functions for the Remote Power Control
unit. These commands can be typed at the Status menu prompt at any time:
Note: <cr> indicates a carriage return or <Enter>
Changing Passwords
When the Remote Power Control unit leaves the factory, no password is programmed; the password field is blank. Once a
password is programmed, the Remote Power Control unit requires password entry before allowing a user to execute any
Type Password at the PCR8> prompt and press the <Enter> key. Enter the new Password, then re-enter the new Password for
confirmation, and press the <Enter> key. Once a password is in place, it will be required to issue commands to the Remote
Power Control unit in the future.
Important! Passwords are case sensitive.
On n <cr> --Turn on an Outlet, n=0,1...8,all
Off n <cr> --Turn off an Outlet, n=0,1...8,all
Reboot n <cr> --Reboot an Outlet, n=0,1...8,all
Status <cr> --PCR8 Status
Config <cr> --Enter configuration mode
Lock n <cr> --Locks Outlet(s) state, n=0,1...8,all
Unlock n <cr> --Unlock Outlet(s) state, n=0,1...8,all
Current <cr> --Display True RMS Current
Clear <cr> --Reset the maximum detected current
Temp <cr> --Read current temperature
Voltage <cr> --Display True RMS Voltage
Logout <cr> --Logoff
Logoff <cr> --Logoff
Exit <cr> --Logoff
Password <cr> --Changes the current user password
Whoami <cr> --Displays the current user name
Unitid <cr> --Displays the unit ID
Help <cr> --This Command
Enter new Password>*****
Re-Enter new Password>