PCR8 Configuration
At the PCR8> prompt, type CONFIG and press the <Enter> key. The Configuration menu appears:
PCR8 Configuration Menu
1. Manage Users – Manage Users allows an Administrator to add or delete users and assign control of selected outlets.
2. Change Outlet Name – Change Outlet Name allows a user to personalize each outlet for easy identification.
Maximum field length is ten (10) alphanumeric characters; default Outlet Names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, and so on.
3. Enable/Disable Confirmation – Enable/Disable Confirmation prompts a user for a Yes/No response before a
command is executed; default setting is Disabled.
4. Enable/Disable Status Menu – Enable/Disable Status menu toggles the status menu on/off; default setting is Enabled.
5. Change Unit ID – Change Unit ID allows a user to name the Remote Power Control unit. Maximum field length is
sixteen (16) alphanumeric characters; default unit ID is PCR8.
6. Change Alarm Threshold – Change Alarm Threshold allows a user to set a threshold for the volume of the Overload
Audible Alarm; default setting is 12.0 Amps.
1)...Manage Users
2)...Change Outlet Name
3)...Enable/Disable Confirmation
4)...Enable/Disable Status Menu
5)...Change Unit ID
6)...Change Alarm Threshold
Enter Request: