Security tab
Figure 16 Security tab
If you have configured your Dominion KX unit to use a private security key (see Chapter 4:
Administrative Functions, System-Level Security Parameters), enter it here in order to be
authorized to initiate a connection with that Dominion KX unit. Click [OK] when you have
completed the fields.
When you have completed the Connect and Security tab screens, click [OK] create the
Establishing a New Connection
Double-click the icon of a Raritan networked device in the RRC Navigator to connect, after entering your
user name and password.
Note: The default Dominion KX login user name is admin, with the password raritan. This user has
administrative privileges. Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered in the exact case combination
in which they were created. The default password raritan must be entered entirely in lowercase letters.
To ensure security, change the default username password as soon as possible.
If you do not see an icon for your Dominion KX in the RRC Navigator, please follow the instructions in the
Creating New Profiles section in this chapter to create a new connection profile for your Dominion KX.
If you are having problems connecting to a Raritan device, be sure to check the following:
• Username / Password: Raritan usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
• TCP Port: If you have configured your Raritan Device to use a non-default TCP Port, this information
must be entered into its connection profile.
• Firewall Settings: If you are accessing a Raritan Device through a firewall, that firewall must be
configured to allow two-way communication on TCP Port 5000 (or the custom TCP Port to which your
Raritan Device has been configured).
• Security Key: If you have configured your Raritan Device to require a group security key, that key
must be entered into the device’s connection profile.
Closing a Remote Connection
To end your Dominion KX connection, right-click on the icon and select Disconnect from the menu.