Chapter 5: Paragon II and P2ZCIMs/Z-CIMs
Many CIMs (Computer Interface Modules), including P2ZCIMs and Z-CIMs (UKVMSPD and
UKVMSC), enable access and control of multiple servers from a Paragon user station, occupying
only one channel port on your Paragon switch. P2ZCIMs or Z-CIMs are set up in a chain-like
server-to-server arrangement, with each P2ZCIM or Z-CIM connected to the keyboard, video,
and mouse ports of each server and linked with standard Cat5 UTP cables. Through this chained
cabling, they transmit keyboard, video, and mouse signals to the system. You can access and
control any server connected in the chain via the OSUI and new servers can be added at any time
without interrupting server operation.
Paragon II operates using P2ZCIMs and Z-CIMs (UKVMSPD and UKVMSC). Although all
these CIMs are installed the same way, certain CIMs will not function if used in the same chain
as other CIMs.
• For use with the Paragon II switch
• Can be used on Paragon I unit whose hardware version is HW3 (running Paragon II code)
• Support PS2 (P2ZCIM-PS2), USB (P2ZCIM-USB) and Sun (P2ZCIM-SUN) interfaces
• Support up to 42 units in any mixed arrangement on a Cat5 chain
• Span up to 1,000 feet (304 m.) from the user station to the last P2ZCIM on a Cat5 chain
• Cannot be mixed on a Cat5 chain with Z-CIM (UKVMSPD or UKVMSC)
• P2ZCIM-USB can be used for either SUN USB and PC USB (controlled by a toggle switch
on the back of the unit)
• “L” models (e.g., P2ZCIM-PS2L) are available, which feature longer cables 36" (91 cm) for
use with cable management arms
Note: The easiest way to determine if the hardware version of your Paragon I unit is HW3 is to
check the number of its stacking ports on the rear side. If there is only one stacking port, then the
hardware version is HW3.
• For use with Paragon I and Paragon II switches
• Support PS2 interface only
• Support up to 42 units on a single Cat5 chain
• Span up to 1,000 feet (304 m.) from the user station to the last Z-CIM on a Cat5 chain
• Cannot be mixed on a Cat5 chain with P2ZCIMs
• UKVMSC Z-CIM features local KVM ports
Note: UKVMSPD is supported with Paragon II, but is no longer available for purchase.