R2XL1 • 14
30. Install VR2, the 79L12 negative –12V regulator. Again make sure and
install it with the orientation shown on the diagram.
31. Now it is time to install the larger components. We will begin with the
jacks. Install J2, one of the PC mounted XLR connectors. You must be
careful when installing these parts that all the leads go in the respective
holes. For example there is a little pin in the middle of the bottom which is
used to ground the cable case. This can easily get bent over. Make sure
all of the pins are through the holes before soldering. Also make sure to
solder the mounting pins.
32. Install J4, the other XLR connector.
33. Install J1, the dual RCA connector. Make sure the part is flush when
soldering for good mechanical soundness.
34. Install J6, our 2.5 mm AC power jack.
35. Install C11, a 470 uF electrolytic capacitor. Check orientation! (just in
case you forgot!)
36. Install C12, another 470 uF electrolytic capacitor.
37. Install C13, the last 470 uF electrolytic capacitor.
38. Install S2, the power switch. Make sure it is flush to the board before
39. Install S1, the Stereo/Mono switch. Again make sure it is flush before
40. Install R11, one of the 10K ohm potentiometers. Solder the mounting
pins as well as the electrical contacts for good mechanical stability.
41. Install R5, the other 10K ohm potentiometer.
You may note we left R12 and R6 out of the assembly process. This is be-
cause more often than not they are not needed. You can install them at some
future time if you find they are necessary to reduce noise and interference in
extremely long cable runs. We recommend you leave them out for now to en-
sure better sound quality.