U.S.A. ONLY: For altitudes above 2,000 feet above sea level, input ratings should be reduced
as shown in tables IA, C, & E for natural gas boilers or in tables 1B, D & F for propane fired
boilers. Reduced input ratings are achieved by the natural deration of the gas at higher
elevations and fine tuned by adjusting the manifold pressure.
CANADA ONLY: For altitudes in the range of 2,000-4,500 feet above sea level, boilers may be
field equipped for use at high altitude by using a certified high altitude conversion kit. The change
in main burner orifice size results in a 10% reduction of the boiler gas input rating (MBH).
The conversion shall be carried out by a manufacturers authorized representative, in
accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer, provincial or territorial authorities having
jurisdiction, and in accordance with the requirements of the CSA-B 149.1 and CSA-B 149.2
Installation Codes. The certified field conversion kit includes a conversion data plate, indicating
that the boiler has been converted for high altitude use. The correct conversion information must
be entered on the conversion data plate.
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