Quantum A-Series Tape Drives User’s Guide 85
The International Organization for Standardization is an
international non-governmental standard-setting body made up
of representatives from national standards bodies.
ISV Independent Software Vendor.
A kilobyte is a unit of measure equal to 1 thousand (1024) bytes.
SI — 1 000 000 bytes or 10
bytes. Computer usage — 1024 bytes.
Light Emitting Diode.
LGMR Laser Guided Magnetic Recording.
A Micrometer is an SI unit of length. It is defined as one millionth
of a metre (1 × 10
m), equivalent to one thousandth of a
MAM Medium Auxiliary Memory (MAM) is an SDLT 600A tape drive
feature that provides information on the status and prior use
history of a Super DLTtape cartridge.
MB Megabyte
SI — 1 000 000 bytes or 10
bytes. This is the International System
of Units (SI) definition used by telecommunications engineers
and storage manufacturers.
1 048 576 bytes - 1024
, or 2
. This definition is often used in
computer science and computer programming, when talking
about the size of files or computer memory. The reason is that
computers use the binary numeral system internally.
Note: For the purpose of this document, SI is used.
MRC Heads Magneto Resistive Cluster Heads. A cluster of small, cost-
effective Magneto Resistive (MR) media heads packed densely
ms A Millisecond is equal to one thousandth of a second.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures.
MXF Material eXchange Format, is a file format designed to improve
data and metadata exchange. The targeted objective is the
interoperability between content creation mainframes, work
stations and peripherals.
This wrapper file format was designed to make use of current
and forthcoming data formats. It also permits conveyance of
metadata following standardized schemes. This metadata is used