ACTIVE Professional External Modem User’s Manual
ATLn * Speaker volume Default : 2
ATL0 Selects low speaker volume
ATL1 Selects low speaker volume
ATL2 Selects medium speaker volume
ATL3 Selects high speaker volume
ATMn * Speaker control Default : 1
ATM0 Speaker is always off
ATM1 Speaker is on during handshaking in call establishment but is
turned off while the modem is receiving a carrier signal from
a remote modem
ATM2 Speaker is always on
ATM3 Speaker goes off while the modem is receiving a carrier
signal from a remote modem and while the modem is dialling.
However, speaker is on during answering
ATNn * Modulation handshake Default : 1
ATN0 Requires the speed of the connection be that specified by the
value held in S37; if S37=0, the speed of the connection must
match that at which the last AT command was issued. If the
selected speed can be achieved using more than one
communication standard (e.g., Bell 212A or ITU-T V.22 at
1200bps), the modem also refers the selection made with the
ATB command
ATN1 Permits handshaking to occur at any speed supported by both
modems. Enables automode detection. The ATB command is
ignored in this mode and the modem attempts only ITU-T
mode connections.
ATOn Return to the on-line state Default : 0
ATO0 Causes the modem to return to the data mode
ATO1 Causes the modem to return to the data mode and to initiate a
ATP * Set pulse dial as default
ATQn * Result code display Default : 0
ATQ0 Allows the modem to send result codes to the DTE
ATQ1 Prohibits the modem from sending result codes to the DTE
ATSn Establish S register n as the default register
ATSn? Reading S registers
Reads the contents of the S register. All the S registers may be read.
ATSn=x Writing to S registers
Writes the value of x to the specified S register n