September 2004, ADIC 3
• Support for HP MSL tape library
• Support for HP EVA 3000 Disk Array with HP SecurePath failover
• Support for HP MSA 1000 Disk Array with HP SecurePath failover
• Support for EMC Clariion CX Series failover for dual-controller configuration
• Support for STK 9840C tape drive
Special Configuration Requirements
The following libraries require special configurations to run SNMS or StorNext FS.
DAS and Scalar DLC Network-Attached Libraries
Prior to launching the StorNext Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW), DAS and Scalar DLC network-attached
libraries must have the DAS client already installed on the appropriate host control computer.
DAS Attached Libraries
For AML/2 and AML/J DAS attached libraries, refer to the DAS Installation and Administration Guide,
"Installation and Configuration", "DAS Configuration File Description". The client name is either the default
SNMS server host name or the name selected by the administrator.
Scalar DLC Attached Libraries
For Scalar 10K and Scalar 1000 DLC attached libraries, refer to the Scalar Distributed Library Controller
Reference Manual (part number 6-00658-02), "Installation and Configuration", "Client Component
Installation". The DAS client should be installed during the installation of the Scalar DLC attached libraries.
Use this procedure to install the DAS client.
1 Select Clients > Create DAS Client.
The client name is either the default SNMS server host name or the name selected by the administrator.
2 When the DAS client is configured in Scalar DLC, select Aliasing.
3 Select sony_ait as the Media aliasing.
The default value is 8mm.
4 Verify that Element Type has AIT drive selected.
5 Click Change to execute the changes.
ACSLS Attached Libraries
Due to limitations in the STK ACSLS interface, SNMS only supports single ACSLS configurations. SNMS
support requires that the ACSLS client be installed on the appropriate host machine.
StorNext 2.4.1 does not support the following configurations:
• File system metadata on the same network as iSCSI data.
• File system metadata on the same network as NFS or CIFS data.