Section 4: Specifications
Frequency response 20 Hz–20 kHz ±0.5 dB
10 Hz–80 kHz ±3 dB
Distortion <0.01% THD+N @ +4 dBu out
(page input <0.03%)
Dynamic range >110 dB unweighted
20 Hz–20 kHz
(page input >100 dB)
Polarity In-phase or inverted
Level control range -95.5 to 0 dB in 0.5 dB steps
Precision attenuator better than 112 dB below
transients (“zipper” maximum output
Mute >90 dB attenuation
Program inputs 16
Paging inputs 1
Monitor bus input 1
Connector type “Phoenix-style” (a.k.a.
“Euro-style”) detachable
terminal blocks
Type Electronically balanced
Grounding All shield terminals connected to
Nominal level 1V/3V rms selectable
Maximum level +21 dBu
Impedance 10 kOhm balanced
Input Signal Processing
Power amplifier output processing
Power amplifier output monitoring
Output short detect* Senses load <1 Ohm for Stereo/
Parallel modes; <2 Ohms in Bridged Mono mode
Threshold is adjustable in software
Output open detect* Senses load >60 Ohms
Threshold is adjustable in software
Output voltage meter Range automatically matches to
amplifier model used
Output current meter Range automatically matches to
amplifier model used
*Signal level must be greater than -32 dB, referenced to maximum output of amplifier
Common-mode rejection Typical, >50 dB, 20 Hz–20 kHz
Worst Case, >40 dB at 20 kHz
Crosstalk (inter- >75 dB separation, 20 Hz–20 kHz
channel within
Data Port pair)
Crosstalk (intra- >85 dB separation,
channel, between 20 Hz–20 kHz
Data Port pairs) measured with all inputs and
outputs terminated
Program outputs 16 (via HD-15)
Connector type 8 HD-15 data port connections
Pinout Special, see appendix
Cable type VGA monitor cable
Qualified length 2 meters
Monitor output 1
Connector “Phoenix-style” (a.k.a.
“Euro-style”) detachable
terminal blocks
Type Electronically balanced
Grounding Shield terminal connected to
Nominal level +4 dBu
Maximum level +21 dBu
Output impedance 75 Ohms balanced
Output load 600 Ohms minimum