
1- Power indicator
2- Diagnostic indicator
3- Network status indicators
4- Port connection status indicators
5- Multi-function push buttons
6- Display
7- Rotary select/accept knob
8- Safe Mode switch (recessed)
9- DataPorts
10- AES/EBU inputs
11- Monitor chain in/out
12- Relay outputs
13- Logic outputs
14- Omni inputs
15- RS-232 port
16- Network status indicators
17- QSControl 10BaseT receptacle
18- CobraNet 100BaseT receptacle
19- IEC power inlet
The BASIS 922dz provides the digital audio transport, signal
processing, control and status monitoring facilities needed
to bind a group of amplifiers and loudspeakers into an inte-
grated functioning system. In conjunction with QSCon-
trol.net software, the BASIS 922dz enables the user to
design, test and deploy professional audio reinforcement
and distribution systems ranging in size from one to hun-
dreds of channels.
Each QSC power amplifier connects directly to a BASIS
922dz via one of its four QSC DataPorts. All mission-critical
elements of the BASIS-driven sound system are monitored.
User-selected events are logged and loudspeaker protection
features unique to BASIS such as QSC's power limiter are
made possible through the DataPort functionality.
A standard Windows computer is the principle user-inter-
face for controlling the overall BASIS/QSControl.net sys-
tem. However, the BASIS 922dz also offers a front panel
interface for accessing a few critical functions.
A single QSControl.net server computer can support several
clients running QSC's latest Venue Manager software. Thus,
the sound system can be operated via several computers,
roaming wireless laptops, tablets, etc., all at the same time,
from anywhere a connection to the QSControl.net network
is available.
The QSControl.net network can also be managed from a sin-
gle computer running both the client and the server. Once all
BASIS devices in a system are configured, a computer is no
longer required on that system’s network. All basic func-
tions of the BASIS 922dz continue to operate with or with-
out a control computer connected to the network.
The configurable DSP engine provides all of the functions
necessary to handle the amp/loudspeaker portion of a sig-
nal chain, such as very flexible and precise crossovers,
delays, equalization, compression/limiting, etc.
Audio enters a BASIS 922dz either through AES/EBU digital
inputs or from CobraNet source devices such as QSC's line
of RAVE digital audio routers. Any combination of 16 Cobra-
Net channels (selected from up to 4 bundles of 32 channels)
can be routed into the 24 x 24 DSP engine. Any or all of the
24 DSP channels can also be routed to up to 32 CobraNet
channels on the network.
Unlike other configurable DSP boxes, the intrinsic process-
ing latency of the BASIS 922dz is both short and fixed at
See page 14 for detailed descriptions.
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want to dig right in? Go to page 18....