If you have any questions or need assistance after reading this
manual, please contact PSC Customer Service at:
PSC Inc.
675 Basket Road
P. O . B o x 4 4 8
Webster, New York 14580-0448
Telephone: 716-265-1600
Fax: 716-265-6400
The descriptions and specifications herein were in effect at the time
of manual production. Every effort was made to make the informa-
tion complete and correct.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or
electronic transmission, or other means of reproduction or distribu-
tion without prior written consent of PSC Inc.
The drawings, specifications and other technical information con-
tained in this manual are the property of PSC Inc. and shall not be
copied, reproduced or used in any way; in whole or in part, as the
basis of manufacture or sale of similar items without the prior writ-
ten consent of PSC Inc.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change with-
out notice.
PSC, the PSC logo and AutoSense are registered trademarks and
QuickScan is a trademark of PSC Inc.
©2000 PSC Inc. All rights reserved.