The heart of the treadmill is thesophisticated console. The console features a safety key-operated power switch,
electronic speed and incline controls and six independent LED displays to give you continuous exercise feed-
back. Please read these Instructions carefully before operating the console. Note: If there Is a sheet of pro-
tective plastic on the face of the console, peel it off before operating the console.
Motivational Fitness Monitor
Pulse Earclip Jack j _ Safety Key/Clip
If the safety key is in the console, remove it. Make sure that the on/off switch located
near the power cord is in the ON position (see the drawing at the right). Plug in the
power cord (see PLUGGING IN THE POWER CORD on=pages 6 and 7). All d_splays
and indicatorson the console willflash three times.
Step onto the foot rails of the treadmill. Locate the clip attached by a cord to the safety key, and slide the clip onto
the waistband of your clothing. _
WAR NING: Do not stand on the walking belt when turning the power on. Always wear the
clip when operating the treadmill. If you fall, the safety key will be pulled from the console, Instantly turn-
Ing the power off.
Insert the safety key into the console.The six LED displays will light. Note: If the safety key was inthe console
when the power cord was plugged in, a "PO" will appear in the speed display. If this occurs, remove the safety
key, wait for ten seconds and then reinsert it.
When the power is turr_edon, the walking belt will be stationary. The speed of the walking belt can be controlled
by pressing the SPEED buttons. Each time the SPEED increase button is pressed, the speed will increase by 0.1
mile per hour, beginning at 0.5 miles per hour. Each time the SPEED decrease button is pressed, the speed will
decrease by 0.1 mile per hour. The buttons can be held down to change the speed rapidly. The speed can be set
at a minimum of 0.5 miles per hour, up to a maximum of 10 miles per hour, in increments of 0.1 mile per hour.
WARNING: A,er the SPEED buttons are pressed, it will take a few seconds for the walking
belt to reach the selected speed. Adjust the speed gradually until you are familiar with the operation of
the treadmill.
PrOs _SpiEED.ir_r_l_se buttQn_untilthe wa_ {_elt;beginsto moveat slow speed. H_dthe handrail, step
_=_lly_lldng _g,:_:4be_)eedas desired by pressinglhe SPEED but-
.t_;iT0 stop the waling belt, holddown the SPEED decrease button. The walking belt can be slopped quickly, if
de_ecl_ .b.ypressing the STOP.bar.